Big Books on How to be a Professional Martial Arts Instructor…

Newsletter 872

Final Word on Professional Martial Arts Instructor

Happy Sunday morning!
I find sunday work outs to be so spiritual.
But any day of the week,
I can get spiritual
by doing a form.

You simply get into your form.
Push distractions out of your universe
and focus only on the form,
you’ll find a deep sense of self
that is truly rejuvenating.

got a wonderful first win off
The Professional Martial Arts Instructor book.
Here go…

Greetings Al, I have recently finished the PMAI manual and I think its excellent and well put together. I already have a number of your books, but this one, is my favorite.

I have purchased a number of your Martial Art books, in the past, and enjoy reading them still. What I like about this specific book is, the way you have laid and lined out the information from many of the your earlier books, in a very easy to understand format.

Really, the first two sentences sum up the importance and need, for this book.

(“The essence of a teacher is the ability to transmit a thought to a student. Without this ability there is no education, there is no future for civilization.”)

To the point that although I have done many of the things, and practiced your arts described in the manual, this book has a load of new information. That I find very valuable and even after 7yrs of working on the material, you are correct, in your earlier newsletter about valuable new information.

Excellent information again!

As stated earlier, I have read the book in its entirety and will read it again. I would suggest one thing, I think a few study questions at the end of each chapter, would be a great study aid…maybe just a few questions per chapter and a answer page, at the end of the book.

I think that this will help as a study aid. If even though, like me, you have scribbled notes in your copy, a study guide would be beneficial.

Really a great manual if you are aspiring to be a PMAI.

Well done Professor!

I do believe I will pursue certification.

Have a great workout

thanks to SG,
I appreciate your kind words.

for those who aren’t interested,
I’m going to be addressing the Professional Martial Arts Instructor book this issue,
so if you’re not interested,
go work out,
and I’ll talk to you next newsletter.

launching of the book is about over,
so let me address a few concerns
and tell you where this is going.

I love doing videos,
but I’m a writer first.
When the EMP goes off
and computers are gone,
we’ll be back to books.

When the archives of digital information fade,
we will still have books.
the written wordiest exist
before we can do anything else.

I love books.
And in this series I wanted to do one thing…
put down the information,

That is the big difference between this series of books
and the old matrixing video courses
and even the original martial arts books.

Mind you,
the information in the old stuff is still the best,
and it includes a tremendous amount of material
that space forbids me from including in the new books.

But the main thrust is

It is easy to do the martial arts,
you just monkey see monkey do,
but then it takes decades for the information to seep through,
the real reasons.

It is hard to teach the exact reasons why,
to give all the drills,
to outline the reasons for the drills,
how they work and interchange,
and so on.

I hope this answers that simple question:
what is the difference between,
Matrix Karate (and a few other courses)
and the PMAI.

that said,
the series of books I am working on
includes how to teach all my material.
The next book is

Profesional Karate Instructor.

I’m half done,
another month or two,
and we’ll have the complete step by step,
with all the reasons why,
as to how to teach Karate.
I have books on Gung Fu,
Tai Chi,
and Monkey Boxing,
all planned out.

interestingly enough,
I have two other books,
one done and the other almost done.

The first book I did was years ago,
and it is
Matrixing: The Master Text.
That one is being set up for actual book publication right now.

The other book is the complete works of Neutronics.

The four basic books
The Neutronic Viewpoint, Prologue, 24 Principles, and Neutronics,
all in one massive volume.

So I’ve got a lot of work to do.
But I feel it is imperative.

Let me say something,
don’t mean to offend anybody,
we are all at different points of evolution,
but I get emails every once in a while
where people say:

I need to watch it on video.
I don’t understand what people say in words,
but if I can see it…

I am glad they are able to Monkey See Monkey Do,
but the core here is information,
and information is best shared by reading,
not by seeing.

Imagine seeing Buddha meditate,
would you understand what he is doing?
You’d just see some chubby half asleep.
And that is the reality when you get to actually teaching the martial arts.
To understand the real martial arts,
you have to understand the concepts.
You can get some of that understanding from watching vids,
but not all.
For complete understanding you have to be able to understand the written word,
you have to be able to churn concepts in your cranium.

I repeat,
I love writing.
and that’s why everything I’ve done,
has to be set don in books,
and not just from the simplistic how to do,
but from he viewpoint of how to teach.

Okey, Dokely,
thanks of putting up with my rant,
I’ll get back to the basic smash and trash,
the beat and defeat,
of the martial arts next newsletter.

Have a great work out!


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Real Martial Arts Knowledge is Where You Find It!

Newsletter 861

Where to Find Real Martial Arts Knowledge

Happy spring work out!
It is so beautiful today…PERFECT for a work out!

I once said,
I don’t know if anybody recalls this,
that if you want information
there is a definite sequence of material to consider.

A newspaper provides a headline
a few facts that might or might not have anything to do with anything.
Because a newspaper sells tragedy by screaming it out.

If you want more information,
a magazine works well.
People buy magazines because
the articles are more in depth.

If you want to learn a lot,
read a book.

This is actually pretty obvious stuff.

BUT…have you converted it to the internet?
That sort of media?

Most people watch the TV to get mad.
They listen to the news and walk away pissed off.
The news is just bad gossip,
no real information,
just inflame you
so you’ll tune in tomorrow.

Then there’s the internet.
Blogs and newsletters, oh my.

But the internet is written by boneheads,
for the most part.
People who want to get rich,
or who are easily titillated.

There are a few good sites,
mine foremost,
but…lots of crap out there.

But, it is a good way to find out about…videos.
You can order videos,
the equivalent of a book,
and if a picture is worth a thousand words,
a video is worth a million.

That said,
let me pick on one bad guy on the internet,
the one bad guy that we all (me included) latch on to.


Here’s the problem with youtube.
People end up not looking for information,
they don’t want to learn,
they want titillation.
They want entertainment.

Here’s the comparison.
When there was no internet,
and people commonly read magazines,
we would pour over those mags.
We would borrow them from friends,
read every word in them,
including the ads,
and even the publication notices on the front page.

It was our only source of information!
We were starved for information!

Now, with the glut of everybody and their cat
showing off their poorly imagined kata,
and techniques that could get you killed,
the replacement for magazines does more harm than good.

People don’t look for information,
they click from vid to vid,
looking for…the latest knock out.
The guy getting hit by the car.
The two girls catfighting.

People, entertained by the net,
have become seduced by the salacious.
They don’t want to learn.

I can’t tell you how many times I have people
who think they know karate,
but really are only enraptured
by the joy of combat.
They fight,
without thought of learning.
They spend too much time on the net,
bruising their brains with people who don’t know anything,
bloody headlines,
and gimmicks.

why do I tell you about this?
Merely so you’ll think about it.
I don’t suppose to change the world,
only a few people who get it.

That’s just the way it is.

So the next time you start searching
for the latest nose-flattening,
eyeball bleeding,
kidney squashing knockout…

remember to finish up the night by coming to a site
Think about getting videos that are a couple of hours in content,
with accompanying books,
filled with illustrations,
and the exact method of how to do the martial arts.

You’ll be glad you did.

Real knowledge will make you feel a lot better
than salacious, titillating knock outs.
It will make you a better person,
and last your whole life.

Here’s a link to make you think:

It is the big record of matrix research,
it will tell you how I came up with the science of matrixing.

have a FANTASTIC work out!


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so this is the best way to ensure you get them.

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Drill for Increasing Speed and Power of Punches

Newsletter 854

Increase hand speed for harder punches

Happy Hot day!
I love it when the temp goes up,
sweating just purifies the body!

You can find the latest old journal here…

No guarantee on any links,
don’t know if they work,
nor care.

That all said,
here’s a nifty, little drill for you.

Go dip the hands in water.
Just up to the knuckles.
punch until they are dry.

You must FLICK them like a towel.
Shake the water off.
This simulates flicking energy out of the hands.
It fixes people who have slow, muscular punches,
and puts the lightening in the frightening.

sorry to say,
I don’t have time right now,
I’m about to publish a book,
and I just don’t have the time.
I’ll write a nice, long newsletter in a few days,
let you know about the book.

while you’re waiting,
try that punching drill,
enjoy the heat,
and don’t forget to go to this page
for the art this drill came from.

It’s weapons,
but that includes taking weapons away
from those poor, unfortunate muggers.
And that means you need to increase your hand speed,
your coordination,
and the fight in your heart.

Have an awesome work out!

any trouble with courses,
any questions about anything,
drop me an email at:

go to and subscribe to this newsletter:

Google doesn’t like newsletters,
so this is the best way to ensure you get them.

You can find all my books here!

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What Bruce Lee Really Knew

Published a new paper on That’s an ‘upper brow’ type of website. I like it because I get thinkers there, and not the normal ‘low brow’ Beavis and Butthead type.

The paper is on What Bruce Lee Knew. Not actually, but the steps necessary to get his ‘mindset.’ It’s an interesting theme, with a lot of videos and graphs to back it up.

Here it is.

Enjoy. And hit the tweet and like buttons and all that.

Have a great work out!


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Purpose and How the Martial Arts Fell Apart

Newsletter 849

Here’s How a Closed Combat System Works

An EXCELLENT morning to you!
And a great work out!

Gonna talk about Closed Combat Systems,
But first…

You may have noticed that the site was down for a couple of days.
My host server moved me to a newer computer,
and lost my site.
Couldn’t believe it.
I kept calling them,
even getting nasty,
which is something I don’t do.
They finally got it back up,
I was actually irritated.

I don’t usually get angry,
or even irritated because when things happen,
that’s life.
You solve it.
You don’t let emotions get in the way.
it’s back up,
so let’s talk about CCS,
or ‘Closed Combat Systems.’

There used to be nothing but CCS in the martial arts.
That’s because martial artists tended to be paranoid.
Didn’t want to talk to the competition.
So the growth of the arts was slow,
and things tended to…here comes the word…

To understand this word consider:
a move in the martial arts is a series of small steps.
A simple punch,
for instance,
consists of:

sink the foot,
push with the leg
turn the hip
rotate the shoulder
extend the arm

aside from these five basic points,
there are ALL sorts of minor points,
minor points that are ABSOLUTELY crucial to a good punch,
to a REAL martial arts punch.

breathing to the tan tien, breathing as if into the strike, turning the wrist or not, focusing the eyes, focusing the energy, turning the limbs so that proper alignment is achieved, coursing energy the right way, and on and on for everybody part every motion every notion.

A good martial artist will be aware of ALL these things, and conduct them,
just like an orchestra conductor conducts a 100 piece orchestra, and all in a split second.

To make this all happen the martial artist visualizes,
and causes to come into being,
a ‘circuit.’
That is,
a sequence of awareness impulses that drive the nerves,
muscles and bones of the body machine.
And there is a lot more to it than that.

some people think it is all ‘muscle memory.’
Muscle memory is a small part of it,
and the term isn’t even accurate.
For it is not the muscles that remember,
it is the spirit setting up a circuit of awareness.

Setting up a ‘robot action,’
as it were.

The point behind all this silliness and significance
is that one practices a move until it becomes intuitive.
Until he doesn’t have to be aware
of all the little pieces.

And one practices these moves until the individual aware pieces disappear
and one is left with…

So one establishes a circuit
just to make it disappear.
One piece at a time,
through endless practice,
the circuit becomes an intuitive move.
The circuit disappears.
The student is left with himself,
and is now n expert,
on the way to becoming a master.

the point of this is that…
old arts, because they didn’t change,
became heavily circuited.
Changes occurred in small increments,
and the whole art could absorb them.

Fast forward to the twentieth century.
Books, magazines, internet.
Tournaments every week,
Dojos on every corner.
The appearance of LARGE corporations!
these corporations would even enlist
people from OTHER schools
to fill the demand as they expanded.

systems changed.
Ed Parker went through multiple organizations,
five different systems,
hundreds and hundreds of schools,
and he was just one of the thousands of people
causing havoc to the CCS.

The CCS method broke down.
The art changed.
The age old method that caused intuition ceased functioning.
the quality of black belt went down.

I know because I was there.
I started martial arts in 1967,
studied MANY different arts,
wrote for the mags and saw TREMENDOUS evolution.

let’s be honest,
there were a few problems with the CCS.
It wasn’t efficient,
but it did work.
But it was replaced by something less efficient.

People who put aside forms entirely and taught fighting.
People who put tournaments above individual awareness.
Vested interest aimed at slanting the art for making money.
A nationalistic bent that caused SEVERE tweaking of styles.
of course,
the utterly despicable rise of politics.
And so on.

So the CCS died.
And that brings us to me.

I had a fellow who wrote me the other day,
asked me what my purpose was.
Purpose is an interesting thing.
I am speaking,
of course,
of the purpose of one’s life.
Why a person exists.
Why one would choose to have boringness in this universe
on this planet in this geography at this time.

We all have purpose.

I laughed when I was asked the question,
and I responded.

‘To make a science of the martial arts.’
I further said,
‘I accomplished my purpose,
now I’m just playing.’

And it’s true.

let me give you a little perspective on me.

My father was an engineer.
I grew up reading such mags as
popular mechanics,
popular science,
all sorts of ‘how to do’ mags,
a little bonus,
my father was a golfer.
So I read all these mags with the most fascinating pics.
Pics of men with planes placed over the body
to show how the hips moved
to swing the club
to drive the energy
the analysis of the blade of the club
on the dimple of the ball.

I applied this to the martial arts.

In fact,
when I picked up my first martial arts book,
(Super Karate Made Easy!)
I was stunned at the lack of clarity.
hundreds of drawings,
showing moves and techniques,
self defense situations,
No planes through the body,
no analysis of how the hips joined to the legs to the feet
to sink the weight
to provide torque to the shoulders,
so the wrist could snap at the right time,
the moment of impact.


So there came my purpose,
to put the ‘how to,’

as my life passed
I realized that I was obsessed with putting science
into the martial arts.
Something NOBODY had ever done.

I succeeded.
Got over 600 pages of testimonials
letting me know that I succeeded.
And I didn’t pursue these testimonials,
they came out of the blue.

So I succeeded.
I’m not famous,
not rich,
don’t care.
Because money and fame is not the purpose of life.
The purpose of life is to become competent in something,
and to share that competence.

So I succeeded when I sold my first matrixing course.
I succeeded because that fellow,
whether he bought into my scheme of arts or not,
was putting science into HIS OWN art.

And he was going to pass that science down
for one simple reason:
it was true.
It worked,
and you can’t argue with the universe.
Only a fool would want to.

people can disagree with me all they want about art.
Art is subjective,
it is the expression of the person,
and every person is different,
has ever disagreed with matrixing.
Matrixing is the logic,
and it is an analysis of,
and is based upon,
cold, hard science.

Not the limited science of the colleges and western influence.

A science that includes such things as chi power,
and all manner of ‘sixth sense’ phenomena.

now you know what CCS is,
for what it’s worth,
you understand what drove me,
what inspired this obsession of mine,
and how it all worked out.

of course,
there are a few loose ends here.

The main being…
what do you do to reinstate CCS.
And that,
interestingly enough,
is where we come to matrixing.

With matrixing you go through certain evolutions.

you realize how to make your system work.
You apply the principles,
start to streamline your art,
and therefore create your own CCS.

Be sure,
you will learn 10Xs faster and more efficiently,
1000Xs faster and more efficiently,
if you create your art.

When you take apart the art you learned,
be it Taekwondo, Aikido, or whatever form of Kung Fu…
and put it back together,
you are involved in a form of creation.
You are the artist.
You are no longer
‘monkey see monkey do.’
You are the one making something that is unique to you.
Even though it is based upon other arts,
it is unique to you.

you start to create your own art.
You finish aligning the systems you learned,
and you start expressing yourself,
creating an entirely different martial art
than anything you’ve ever learned.

This is the ultimate stage of CCS.

you never close your mind to others.
Matrixing won’t allow you to.
You learn a system,
you IMMEDIATELY start figuring out
how to make that system mesh with everything else you know.

Matrixing IS a CCS.
Matrixing allows you to put ALL arts,
all the pieces,
into one ‘picture.’

of course,
it requires you to obsess.
Just as it required me to obsess.
just as I said the purpose of my life was to put science to art,
and as I said the purpose of life itself is to become competent,
the purpose underneath it all is…
to put order to everything.

You put order to the tools in your garage.
You tune your car so it is in order and can run.
You talk to people at work
to make sure you are on the same page,
thus putting order to your work.
requires order,
and it is the obsession of every right thinking human being
to make that order happen.
On that scale it becomes almost religious.

let me say one…last…thing.

As I said,
I have achieved the purpose of my life.
I achieved it when I sold my first matrixing course.
And I achieve it when you buy my course.
at the end,
when you have achieved your purpose…
you play.

That’s what is at the end of Matrixing.

Not fame and riches,
not dominance and subjugation,
not corporate ownership and king for a day,
but the single and sole ability…


So get a course,
start the journey,
and come play with me.

Have a great work out!

any trouble with courses,
any questions about anything,
drop me an email at:

Click to access 1monsterJournal1.pdf

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Monkey Boxing the Most Original Art Ever!

Newsletter 842

Monkey Boxing Update

You survived Thanksgiving,
now all you have to do is make it through Xmas!
as I call it.
the best way to make it through anything,
is to work out every single day.
Nobody can beat a guy (or gal)
who is in top condition!

monkey boxing video course

Click on the Monkey to find out about Monkey Boxing!

time for an update on Monkey Boxing.

Before I start,
let me say that the main focus of this newsletter
is matrixing.
Monkey Boxing will come up every couple of weeks,
believe it or not,
there are a few people who don’t want personal lessons
from a guy with 50 years experience,
they don’t want to tap into the mind
that created matrixing and neutronics.

believe it or not,
that’s okay,
I have nothing against people
who choose to remain ignorant.
Good people, them,
and future customers.

To them I recommend Matrixing.
Good place to start
before you jump into my world.

that said,
Monkey Boxing is doing excellent!

About 20 videos were released this month.
They deal with the whole spectrum of Monkey Boxing,
from warm ups to kicks
to the incredible ‘Rolling Fists’ exercise,
to techniques and forms…
lots of stuff.

And here’s something to think about…
everything has my stamp on it,
been matrixed up the yin yang,
very scientific,
very thorough,
very intuitive,
nobody has ever seen,
except maybe through a quick mention,
or an obscure video,
such things as
‘The Circle of Blocks’ (Monkey Boxing Style)
Monkey in a Box
Circle of Blocks and attacks
The Flower of Blocks
Grab Hands
The Monkey Blast

Never been seen,
or almost never been seen.

Monkey in a Box will build your shoulder strength
and help flexibility
like gangbusters.

Grab Hands is a VERY heavy zen drill.
BUT…you have to do it right.
you see it right.

The Flower of Blocks will build hand speed,
and leg strength,
if you do it while in a horse stance,
like nobody’s business.

The Circle of Blocks opens up total new vistas of ability.

These things haven’t been seen,
or only briefly referenced or described.

They are…NEW!

New martial arts.
Stuff developed for Monkey Boxing,
and never been seen in ANY other martial art.

Something to think about.

that all said,
the coming months are going to be fantastic.

I’m writing a complete book,
a freebie for the Monkey Boxers.

Dozens and dozens of unique and original
(which is to say ‘never been seen’)
exercises and drills.

The frustrating thing about all this is that
I am gearing this off a real class I am teaching.
People from the ground up,
very little experience,
so I jump around.

I’m writing a Monkey Boxing book,
(freebie to subscribers)
and the book will help in this.
It will be ready in a month or so,
and provide a massive overview
and work out schedule.

But you will be picking and choosing,
and trying to make sense out of this for a couple of months.

The good news is that in jumping around
I am referencing things
that haven’t been seen for a LONG while.

Grab Hands,
for instance,
you might have actually seen,
but never the martial arts side of it,
never the zen side of it.
And it is TOTAL dynamite.
Calms the mind,
gets rid of twitches and flinches,
and zeroes you in
like a lazier guided rocket!

enough of the good news,
let me give you some bonus good news.

Every month will be archived once past.
I can’t sell an empty page to somebody
on the first few days of the next month.
the first week of the month,
the videos from last month will remain up.
After the first week,
the previous month will get archived,
for that first week,
if you are smart…
sign up and the previous month is still there.
save your own personal copy,
(but, please, don’t give my stuff away).

What this means is that you will have a window,
about 7 days,
when you can actually get two months for the price of one.

once a month is archived
you will have to purchase separately.

Subscribers will,
of course,
have access to every month since they began subscribing.

that’s it,
back to Matrixing next time,


a work out every day of the month
is better than anything
Santa can bring you.
So start working out now,
and give yourself the best present ever!


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Google doesn’t like newsletters,
so this is the best way to ensure you get them.

You can find all my books here!

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Announcing Monkey Boxing Martial Arts!

Newsletter 838



Got a special announcement.

So special I am issuing two newsletters on the same night!

So special…
there is NOTHING like what I am about to do.

monkey boxing martial art

Click here to go to:!

don’t get me wrong,
people need Matrixing.
They need to understand the science of the martial arts.
It is the only way they will gain true understanding,
and true understanding is necessary
for true mastery.

I have provided many paths for people to master the martial arts.

You can do the classical route by going to:

You can do the Matrix Karate route by going to:

You can do a variety of martial arts
by doing any martial art I offer,
and The Master Instructor Course.

So what could be better than that?

What could be better than that is if I gave you personal lessons
for as little as $2.50 per week.

Go to:

The Truth of Monkey Boxing

Monkey Boxing is MY art.
It is not the scientific analysis of art,
as in Matrixing,
or matrixed courses,
but it does,
of course,
follow matrixing principles.

Monkey boxing includes the following courses,
which are offered on

Blinding Steel.
Matrix Kung Fu
Rolling Fists

tied together by The Master Instructor Course.
You thought I would teach you something without using
The Master Instructor Course?)

you will get snippets and tidbits
from ALL my courses,
because I have to give you all the drills,
and tell you where they came from,
and how they were developed.
And ALL my drills and exercises.
And Forms and Freestyle.
And everything else.

And you can ask me questions.
I will respond by email,
if necessary and appropriate,
on video.

I draw on everything in my 50 years experience,
to teach you my art.

the drawback is that there isn’t going to be
a specific order to all this stuff.

I am teaching people Monkey boxing,
as I teach the video course.
I draw on material I need,
as I need it.

So I don’t organize it,
I just teach it
in an intuitive sequence
based on what my students need.

don’t worry,
I will be releasing,
sometime in the next few weeks,
a study guide of some sort,
to help you order all the material,
so you will understand the order,
and be able to focus on that order.

Don’t get me wrong,
this course DOES NOT replace matrix ing.
Matrixing is the ultimate science,
it is the martial arts in order.

But this my art,
the art that has come out of me
because of all my experiences,
because I need to express myself.

here is the special announcement website…

The Truth of Monkey Boxing

Go there,
poke around,
and see if it is for you.
have a great work out!


go to and subscribe to this newsletter:

Google doesn’t like newsletters,
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Were American Indians deadlier than Pa Kua Chang Masters?

Newsletter 833 ~ subscribe now!

Pa Kua Chang and Indian Stealth Skills!
part one

Good evening!
I just finished teaching,
2 1/2 hours of bliss,
and I am in heaven.
Let me share a little of that heaven with you.
Here’s one of the things I was thinking about,
which relates to the martial arts.
how Pa Kua Chang relates to the stealth skills
of the native American Indians.

The most important Martial Arts book ever written.

The most important Martial Arts book ever written.

I am going to write five articles on this subject,
so if you want all five,
subscribe to the newsletter.
The other four articles will be coming out over the next month.

The American Indians were arguably
the greatest light infantry in the world.
They could outrun horses,
they had thoroughly mastered such weapons as
bows and arrows, knives, hand to hand, and so on.
And, they were masters of stealth.

Think about this:
to put food on their table
they had to be able to sneak up on wild animals.
This meant they walked with no noise,
don’t rustle a leaf,
or step on a twig.
Do it so well that a deer won’t hear you.
Have you ever seen how big a deer’s ears are?

The way they walked was very specific.
They did not walk heel to toe,
they did not place their heel down first,
the placed the front of their foot down first,
so they could feel a twig,
or any other surface that was going to cause noise
sufficient to alert an animal.
So they placed the front of the foot down first,
then rolled to the heel,
and they were aware,
feeling with their feet,
sensitive to whatever they were walking on.
And they walked fast enough to close on an animal
before the animal went elsewhere to feed,
and without alarming the animal.
That takes incredible skill.

this method of walking is very similar to the way
students of Pa Kua Chang walk.
The precise way of walking in Pa Kua Chang
is to place the whole foot down,
sensing the ground through the feet.
This eliminates slippage on icy, grassy, wet whatever surfaces.
it breeds silence.
it enables the student to grip the ground.

This method of walking
is commonly called ‘Mud Walking.’
Walk so you won’t slip in mud.
Walk silently,
with no wasted (as in audible) energy.

There are differences here,
but here is the point:
both methods are used to build awareness.

It is awareness that makes a better martial artist,
not muscles,
not speed,
not anything else.
It is awareness,
of environment,
of the opponent,
of whatever is going on around you.

It’s funny,
when I hear people refer to Indians as savages
I have to suppress laughter.
They adapted to their environment,
they built a technology
that made them possibly the finest warriors in the world.

If you just study them,
if you consider how you might use their methods,
how you might improve your awareness,
you will find that they were geniuses of combat.

let’s be honest,
I haven’t studied Indian combat methods in depth,
but I have studied methods that closely align.
Here’s the link to Pa Kua Chang.

Think about what I’ve said here,
and then bury yourself in some Pa Kua,
it will be well worth the journey.

Stay tuned for four more articles
concerning the martial arts
and the stealth abilities of the American Indian.

and have a great work out!


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Martial Arts Retreat for the Faithful!

Newsletter 831

Monkeyland Plans!

Good morning!
Another fine day,
perfect for a workout!

Let’s talk about Monkeyland.

martial arts system

A complete Martial Arts System! ~ Click on the cover!

For those of you new to the newsletter,
Monkeyland is the name of the place
where I set up a retreat
where people lived and practiced martial arts.
Free from the distraction of the world.
A western version of Shaolin,
in a manner of speaking.

About three years ago
I moved to a mountaintop
just outside Santa Maria.
I lived there for a little over a year.

There were a lot of problems.
One was that there was no internet connection.
No electricity.
The well went dry a couple of times.
And so on and so on.

there were a lot of solutions.
Fixed the well,
set up a solar panel installation to power things,
and lots of other stuff.

And weird stuff happened.
One was that I made extra money
by running a crematorium for animals.
That’s right,
the little furries reached the end of their lives,
and it was up to me to dispose of the carcasses.
It actually wasn’t bad,
Dead things don’t gross me out,
I actually said a little prayer for the guys,
and sent them off to the next body,
or whatever,
with a heartfelt prayer.

The only thing that bothered me was
they smell like hamburger.
Now that was gross.
Made me wonder what I’ll smell like
when this body gets cremated.

I worked out as much as I could.
I had a severely injured shoulder.
Was on vicodin for a few years,
on a scale of 1-10,
was an 11.

So I got an operation,
and was immediately off vicoden.
The docs were worried I would be addicted.
Not a chance.
I have the martial arts on my side.

the owner of the property and I had a falling out.
A neighbor ran over his dog
and he blamed me.
Didn’t matter that i told him not to encourage
the dogs to chase trucks,
it was my fault.

we left.
Closed up shop and moved back
to the big city.

No work.
I was back.

So the last year or so
I have been recovering.
From operation,
from financial straights,
and so on.

all I can think about
is getting back to Monkeyland.

Where can I go
that I won’t run into psychotic landlords,
where I can do martial arts,
and teach all the things I’ve learned.

I want to either end up in
Monterey county,
just below Santa Cruz.
Beautiful land.
Got to be a few acres sitting out there,
off grid,
where idiots don’t abound.

I wouldn’t mind Idylewild,
which is just above Palm Springs.
Not as lush,
but quite beautiful.

Tai Chi is just one of the arts to be taught at Monkeyland!

Here’s the thing,
it’s not just teaching the martial arts.
believe it or don’t,
is not just about teaching martial arts.
People live there.
They grow veggies and cook.
They help the community.
They do lots of stuff
that most people don’t think of.

So the point here is
how can Monkeyland become self sufficient.

One way is pushing the books and videos I’ve done.
I’ve barely scratched the surface,
there are so many people out there
that think I’m just scamming,
have never read a book,
or looked at a video.

What I want to do is…

teach the martial arts
set up solar panels which create our source of energy, and even tap into air wells.
Build a small community, using such things as cargo containers, so that people can live.
Recover land using certain modern irrigation methods.
And so on.

how am I going to do this?
I need to push the books and videos
so that people understand
there are actual martial arts in existence.
Not tournament stuff,
not just reality.
But martial arts that grow the human being,
and create abilities that are thought of only in legend.

I will probably look for grants.
See if I can find somebody,
some corporation,
which is willing to back such a venture.

And there will be.
Recovering the land?
Delving into modern technologies
for such things as water and energy,
there are going to be corporations who want to grant.

I have a year or two of catching up on book writing,
making sure that all methods are sharp and ready to go,
I have to write complete plans.
I have to have a massive and detailed cost estimate,
and in that estimate
will be plans
for how Monkeyland will support itself.

You can’t live off people,
you need to support yourself.
And i know that there are a lot of martial artists
who would like to spend a few weeks in Martial Arts paradise,
or even a lifetime.

So that’s the skinny on Monkeyland.
Now you know what happened,
and what can be done about it.

I know there are a few readers out there.
Maybe even reading this newsletter,
so if you want to know where the concept
for Monkeyland came from,
order the book…

It’s a series,
starts off with race wars,
and then goes crazy.
The whole series covers the enslavement of planet earth,
reveals how we are being ruled,
and by who,
and most important…
what can be done about it.

And it is all based on actual planet earth facts.

you will see the seeds for Monkeyland
during the course of that series.

Okley dokely,
time for me to get crackin’,
got lots of stuff to do,
including working out.

you know,
so do you!

I’ll talk to you later…

have a great work out!


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Google doesn’t like newsletters,
so this is the best way to ensure you get them.

You can find all my books here!

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Martial Artist Handles Violent Pervert!

Newsletter 829

Puttin’ Down the Creeps with Martial Arts!

Good Afternoon!
And a workout is what makes it great.
A workout makes you stronger,
mentally sharper,
calms you down,
makes a better you.

Got an interesting email today.
Michael S shared a win.
Here go…

So, odd story tonight. Contains mildly explicit textual content, just to give you fair warning.
I was on the subway earlier tonight and there was a guy harassing a young woman. They were both standing by the door and he poured a beer out right next to her. She walked away and stood between me and him. Then he pulled out his penis and muttered but didn’t get any closer. I got the cops on the line.
Sure enough, she got out and he followed her. I followed him. At this point I suspect he realized what I was up to because the 911 phones are garbage and I was having to yell his description and location into mine in order to be heard.
He started walking in circles and generally trying to shake me but he didn’t want to get too far from the subway since he’d probably gotten off before his stop to do his creeper thing. At one point he went up to the station platform and walked back down with me at the stairs. After this I decided to call it a night.
The police contacted me about twenty minutes later to ask where he had been heading when I last saw him. I told them but the trail was cold.
Now I would like to give out some advice. If you are a creep, please don’t be. If you are a bystander, involve yourself. If you are a target, look for help. Put as much distance between yourself and the aggressor as you can. If you see a guy glaring daggers at him, get on the other side of that guy. Don’t be afraid to call the police. They take a long time to get there but calling in the first place can be enough to settle the situation. If I hadn’t called the cops, the guy might have tried to fight or intimidate me. Just being on the phone was enough to keep him from even wanting to be within a block of me.
If anyone is still reading this, I’d like to thank Jorge for teaching me a thing or two about keeping my wits about me on the subway.

Fantastic win.

You know,
getting involved doesn’t have to be bloody.
It can just be smart.

Weapon attacks are no big thang with the Blinding Steel art!

You’ve got to understand
that bad guys don’t want to be caught,
so the slightest show of attention does them in.
You don’t have to challenge them,
just pull out your wallet and
pretend you’re talking into it.
They’ll freak,
won’t even perceive what you are doing.

And the cops do appreciate it.
Crimes stopped is what they are about.
It’s no fun mopping up the mess afterwards,
much better to stop the creep.

for everybody,
the common citizen is not very brave.
They don’t know how to fight,
when things go different they freak,
so it is up to you.
It is up to the guy who does know how to fight.
It is up to the martial artist who has trained.
And what better use for your training, eh?

All right,
and here’s a link…

This course has weapons,
because the thug on the street will probably have a weapon.
It has empty hands that lead to takedowns.
It has speed training drills,
and ALL sorts of stuff.

Just the thing for the guy who wants
a bit of street oriented martial arts.

have a great work out!


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so this is the best way to ensure you get them.

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