Congrats to New Master instructor!

Newsletter 1002
A New Master Instructor!

Congrats to Master Instructor Franklin Fick!

Sensei Case

I am submitting this win for the Master Instructor Course in the hope
that you deem it enough to award a certificate.

The first time I saw this course was probably more then 10 years ago,
and I read through it and thought it was very well thought out,
presented clearly, and made a lot of sense. At the time, I incorporated
some of the things presented into teaching my students (teaching chinese
systems). Some of the things in the course were the things that I found

But a lot of the things in the course – either elaborated or broke
things down into their logical foundational pieces —   and this was a
tremendous help. In other words – you presented the material in a way —
matrix-ed it, so that it covered everything. Which was more then I was
taught before.

Not directly related to the Master Instructor Course – but more to
related to the whole spectrum of courses you have –  I don’t think I was
aware of how much your courses helped me – until I re-read and went over
a lot of your courses recently, after not picking them up for about 10
years. Actually some of the concepts and the way you had put things
together – are much clearer now with another 10 years experience under
my belt..  (about 30 years experience now more or less – I would have to
do the math to be exact..   but I can see and appreciate the logic of
the way you look at the arts a bit more now then I could 10 years
ago…  ) – almost like now I can see how everything is fitting
together, how you have laid everything out..  it really is quite brilliant.

Back to the Master Instructor Course – re-reading and going over the
course again now – there were several times I was thinking – “Oh, that’s
were I got that from…”

That’s kind of the impetus – behind me seeking a certification now – I
would like to be able to give you credit for the tremendous influence
you have had on me.

Re-reading this course and your other courses, I have come to realize
that matrixing – being exposed to it, has changed the way I look at
everything, not just the martial arts. But just everything really. I
find myself breaking everything down into the fundamental pieces,
disregarding the fluff, getting to the core of things, the basics, to
try to understand them. (see what they are, what part of the picture
they cover, what is missing..  lol)

So far I have found your analysis of things to be impeccably thorough –
to the point where I do not think I could add to it without  taking away
from it or modify it in a manner that would add anything of value to it.
What you present – is really good!

it was also very good to be reminded again of rule number 3- the ideal
instructor is defined as “one who gets others to finish what they start”

I need to do more of that —  coming from many years in hard core
Chinese martial arts now (even though I started in Japanese arts as a
teenager – karate and aikido)– this is something that is neglected. The
instructor doesn’t take any responsibility for the student getting it,
that is all laid upon the student..  this is probably why there has been
such a decline in the Chinese martial arts over the years…

hopefully I will be able to work on that (rule number 3) and have some
success in achieving it…

Thank you for your work, it is truly appreciated.


Thank you, Master Instructor Fick. Thank you for that great win.

And for everybody, the secret of the martial arts is not some mystical boo bah out there, it is just being able to see what is simple and works.It is sticking to basics, and understanding them, and practicing them religiously.

The problem is that everybody thinks they understand the basics. They don’t. I haven’t had one single person tell me that they knew and understood the material on the Master Instructor Course since I put it out many years ago.

So thank you, Master Instructor Fick. And thank you for sharing your win with the martial arts.

Have a great work out!


Incidentally, I matrixed politics recently. The book is here…

It will help anybody understand why the governments do what they do, and why we are currently undergoing anarchy in the US. It’s not for everybody. Personally, I’d rather practice martial arts. But it is an interesting look at matrixing.

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