New Book Combines Karate and Kung Fu

Newsletter 825 ~ Subscribe now!

Tiger and Butterfly Martial Arts Book

The new Martial Arts book is called
‘Tiger and Butterfly,’
and it’s pretty darned good.

new martial arts book

click on the cover!

If you look at the title,
and you have done any matrixing,
then you can see that I have used
portions of the Matrix Karate course,
and portions of the Shaolin Butterfly.

This was interesting,
because I didn’t want to fall into the trap
of having systems disagree.
I wanted the concepts to build on each other,
not work against each other.

In a way,
there is a certain similarity
between Tiger and Butterfly
and the MCMAP books I wrote.

The similarity is in the arrangement of material.
This had to be,
because when you make a system,
certain things have to be done,
certain rules have to be followed,
certain principles have to be included,
and all the way up the belt levels.

One of the reasons I wrote this book
is because I visited a few schools,
and I saw how the modern schools
have let forms and techniques fall by the way.
They work on freestyle,
on fighting.
The students get better,
but they can’t do certain things.
For instance,
they don’t understand how to take a punch.
they have limited knowledge
concerning what happens
when you complete the circle (cycle) of a technique.

The system has eight belts,

There are no degrees.
Each belt is designed to be done
in about three months.
Brown belt might take longer,
but the material on the brown level
is pretty advanced.

When done,
the student will have those liquid kicks,
those floating kicks that look so light,
but knock down a elephant.
They should be able to take any kind of a punch.
They will be able to freestyle with authority,
and make a grab art out of any technique.
They will have knowledge.
Real knowledge.
Not just the fast reflexes of freestyle,
but a complete body knowledge,
how the body is constructed,
how to tweak it for more energy,
how to construct it for total effectiveness.

I want you to think about something.
When you study matrixing,
there are several courses,
and I recommend that you do them all,
that you get the complete picture,
from striking to locking
to guiding to manipulating
to predicting to taking down…
and more.

I can’t reach everybody,
and some people don’t understand
just how big the martial arts are,
and that you have to understand them as a science.
They are locked in ‘hit and punch,’
‘ground and pound,’
and don’t see or understand the bigger picture.

This book is for those people.
Hopefully it will get them excited for the big picture.
But even if it doesn’t,
it will afford a massive education,
and do a lot towards bringing these people
who are studying arts that have degraded over time
into the real art.
They will appreciate it as science.

even if they don’t,
if they do the book,
not just read it and say…
‘oh, I knew that,’
‘we have that in our system,’
but actually do the book,
all the drills and techniques,
all the forms and fighting drills,
then they will be doing the true art.
Whether they were stupid and didn’t even understand
what I am talking about,
if they do the drills and exercises,
they will end up doing the true art.

For instance,
at a certain point,
a certain belt,
I teach a type of kick.
It’s a floating kick,
then you turn the hips over and slam the energy
down into the ground
as you strike.
The point is…
you can’t do that kick
unless you use the tan tien
in a certain way.
You simply can’t.
So they will practice it,
get it,
and stumble over the concept,
whether they understand what is happening or not,
and they will end up with classical power
in a certain mode.
And the whole system is constructed
so that one mode leads to the next.

spoken enough.
Simply go to Amazon and enter
‘Tiger and Butterfly,’
‘Tiger and Butterfly martial arts’
‘Tiger and Butterfly Al Case,’
or something like that,
and watch it pop up.

it is unique,
matrixing brought one more step forward,
and it is REALLY potent!
It is a COMPLETE martial arts system.

have a great work out!


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An hour of Martial Meditation = a Thousand Years of Evolution!

Newsletter 824

The Martial Arts, and Evolution…

Speaking of matrixing, the martial arts, and evolution…
I came across an interesting thought
the other day
I was reading some old yogic scrolls,
and the claim was made
that an hour of yoga
caused a thousand years of evolution
in the person doing the yoga.

Interesting claim.

The most important Martial Arts book ever written.

The most important Martial Arts book ever written.

it’s not right,
though it does act like it is right.

After all,
when you evolve,
you are not growing,
you are reclaiming yourself.
So it’s true,
but…not really.
Which brings us to Matrixing.

When you study a martial art
that has been matrixed,
the art is logical,
and therefore the you accept it.
you like things to make sense,
to be logical.

when you matrix a martial art
you accept this logical method
of looking at and handling the world
at a much faster rate.

The difference between studying a martial art,
and matrixing it
(making it logical through your own efforts)
is the difference between driving a car
and building a car.
The fellow who builds the car
will understand that car far better
than the fellow who simply drives it.

Mind you,
in the end,
you get to where you are going.
But the fellow who makes his own vehicle
in the end,
get there faster.

that said,
there are several things that will happen,
as you matrix,
that will occur.
I don’t think I have ever laid out these results,
described this path,
so here goes…

you will tend to look at the world in a logical manner.
You will become better at solving problems.
You will become a better worker and boss.
You will become an artist.

how to study martial art

Click here to get the whole story on Matrixing the Martial Arts

Everybody sort of knows this,
most martial artists experience this,
so let me take you where most people don’t know.

you must put aside emotion.
This is an interesting thing.
People will put emotion on you,
and you will feel the need to respond with emotion.
But the Neutronic definition of emotion:

emotion is motion inside the head.

you must still the emotion,
stop the motion inside your head,
and not respond with emotion,

there is good emotion,
love, happiness, etc.
And there is bad emotion,
hate, fear, sadness, etc.

So the specific emotion you must not respond to
is the bad emotion.
Good emotion okay.
Bad emotion you must uncreate from even beginning.

Think about it,
emotion is merely the automatic response
of one who is overwhelmed.
You must not become overwhelmed,
you must view the world in logical terms,
so that nothing can surprise you,
nothing can overwhelm you.

you must defeat the distraction of memories.
You must not respond because any conditioning
you may have received.
This includes any familial conditioning,
any educational conditioning,
any conditioning of any kind.
you must create yourself in the moment.

For instance,
your father laughed at certain types of jokes before you,
do you laugh at the same kind of jokes?
Don’t you realize that he laughed at jokes in his moment?
And that you have an entirely different moment?
That will change the type of jokes you might laugh at.

For instance,
school might train you to think like a physicist,
and you will analyze the world as a physicist,
when you should analyze it as a unique being,
not trapped by an education.

(Mind, I am not saying you can’t be a physicist
and be in the moment, too)

For instance,
do you view the world through a religious viewpoint?
It would be much better
to study all religions,
to understand all religions,
than to choose one religion over all others.

Don’t become the only thing in the universe
willing to kill over a belief system.

This is simple after you have evolved a few hours…

you must separate yourself from other people,
without losing your humanity.
you must be immune to the attitudes
of your fellow man,
but you must love your fellow man
all the same.
This one is incredibly tough.
No matter how far you evolve,
there will always be some idiot
telling you what to do,
thinking he is smarter than you,
and so on.
Can you accept and even use this fellow?
And put aside your certainty
that he is an idiot?
Interesting problem, eh?

and this one is a toughie,
don’t view the world as a fantasy.
This is probably the toughest,
for you become enlightened through the things
I have previously mentioned,
then you might think that,
because you are so smart,
the world should be as you say.

For instance,
you make a battery powered car,
to save the world from pollutants,
and don’t ever consider
that someday the battery will have to be disposed of,
and that the battery might be worse
than all the oil pollutants of a gas car.

this is one of the most dangerous things
you will ever to confront
on your way to self-sufficiency
as a spiritual being…
on your way to your ultimate evolution…
on the way to the ultimate truth of yourself.

Though people haven’t discovered
the earlier truths,
they don’t know how to look at the world logically,
or control their emotion,
or control their responses to people,
they will still try to rule the world through their fantasy.

Have you ever met a fellow without an opinion?
And yet I am asking you to be one.
Toughest problem you will ever encounter.

this is the truth of matrixing
and where it leads to.

you learn to look at the world logically
through the matrixing method.
You put aside the distraction of memories,
then you put aside emotion,
other people’s thoughts,
and even fantasy.

Then you find the truth of yourself,
and you start manipulating the universe
the way it should be manipulated.

The truly odd thing is that this path
often starts with a simple motivation:
the desire to defend yourself.
The wish to become physically safe
through simple exercises and drills.

Where this path leads,
is sublime.

the one caution:
People think they can do this through any martial art.
Yet nobody has ever succeeded.

the people who think they have
are merely manifesting their fantasy of the world.
They are still mired in the muck,
and don’t understand that they have no logic.
They have only the fantasy of logic.
They have only an opinion and no facts.

So it has to be a matrixed martial art.
It can’t be a Chinese fire drill of a martial art,
it has to be a logical (matrixed) martial art.
Then it will work,
and then you can experience something like…
a thousand years of evolution
through a simple hour of exercise.

Matrix Karate starts the matrixing process.
Study the courses as you need to,
until logic outweighs fantasy in your mind.
Then you will be off and running.

But whatever you do…
don’t settle for an opinion.

Here’s a link…

And if you’re not ready for Matrix Karate,
then at least check out the ‘Binary Matrixing in the Martial Arts’ book,
or the ‘How to Matrix the Martial Arts’ book.
They are available on Amazon.
(leave a good review!)

have a great work out!


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Secret of Hitting REALLY Hard!

Newsletter 822

What is Behind a True Punch!

The first time I ever actually hit someone I was shocked.
I had trained for 20 years, and I actually had no idea
what it was like to hit somebody for real.
Then I had to,
and it totally changed me.

The most important Martial Arts book ever written.

The most important Martial Arts book ever written.

Here’s the deal:
to understand what I am about to say
you have to understand one thing:
what is a punch?

People say it is how hard you hit somebody,
they say all sorts of things,
but I haven’t heard anybody tell me the one thing
that I experienced on the day
I actually had to hit somebody.

Go on,
google it,
see if you can find out the truth
of what it is like to hit somebody.
I’ll wait…
you’re back,
here’s the truth of a punch.
A punch depends on the transference of weight
from one body to the next.
It’s not how hard you hit.
It’s not how fast,
or anything else like that.
It’s how much weight you deliver.
those other things can enter the equation.
the truth is…
how much weight can you put on the sucker’s body?
Can you put so much weight the other guy’s body breaks?
Can you control the weight so it is a push and not a punch?
Are you stuck in push,
instead of punch?
Does air punching really work?

Interesting questions,
especially once you have tried to do a real punch.

When I struck this fellow
I felt weight go through my wrists.
Because I was grounded he flew back,
went over a bed and hit the wall.
Thank God for grounding.
Thank God I had practiced aligning my bones,
because if I hadn’t I might have broken my wrist,
I might have flown away from that guy from my own punch!
I just didn’t understand.

that one punch,
and I understood.
try this special exercise.
We used to do it back in the sixties,
had no clue what it meant,
and it wasn’t until I actually had to hit somebody
that I understood what the drill was for.

Assume the push up position.
Go from the hands to the fists.
Just a little push,
like you’re going to clap your hands,
but then land on your fists.

Don’t do too many at first.
Build up a little.
Do it from a knees down push up at first,
if you have to.

What happens here is that you get
the sudden shock of weight
going through your fists and wrists,
and that is what it is like to hit somebody.
A sudden shock of weight in the wrists…
and through the rest of the body.
You ground,
you root your stances,
so that you are braced upon the earth,
and he will fly away,
and not you.
You have a straight bone line in your wrists
so you can absorb the weight.

The actual weight here is going to depend on who weighs the most.
If he weighs more,
you will fly back.
even if you weigh less,
if you ground,
if you are braced upon planet earth,
then he will fly away.
if you punch with speed and snap,
the impact will ripple through his body
(imagine slapping a pond of water with your hand)
and cause great damage.

Here’s a matrix Karate Kick

Try that,
adapt it to other parts of your practice,
and let me know what happens.

got something else to talk about here…
new book coming out.
This one,
the working title is
‘Tiger and Butterfly’
is a condensation,
a blend,
of Matrix Karate and the Shaolin Butterfly.
The story behind it is interesting.

I walked into a martial arts school,
asked the guy if I could help,
and he said yes.
The school is pretty good.
Probably real good,
but they were teaching martial arts without forms,
specializing in freestyle.
The freestyle was,
depending on which class was taught,
points, MMA, or Jujitsu.
Quite interesting.

So I started helping,
and eventually came up with an interesting idea:
how to teach with fewer, smaller forms.
I used the shorter Butterfly forms,
and the Houses from Matrix Karate.

So far,
it is REALLY working.

Mind you,
I always advise the complete art,
in this case the complete Matrix Karate,
or the complete Shaolin Butterfly,
but considering that the school was established,
considering that I didn’t want to change things,
just enhance them,
you can understand what I was doing.

the book should be out in the next week or so.
Tiger and Butterfly.

Keep your eye out for it,
in the meantime,
check out this book…

It’s one of the most important books ever written.
It describes what the martial actually are,
how they are grown,
and ties together all sorts of loose ends.
It should definitely change the way
people think about the martial arts.

have a great work out!


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Here’s How You Test for Black Belt in Karate!

Newsletter 815 ~ Sign up now on the Free Books page!

New Karate Black Belt

Good morning!
Wonderful morning.
I just did a whole bunch of forms,
I feel like a million.

The most important Martial Arts book ever written.

The most important Martial Arts book ever written.

there’s lots of stuff happening,
so let me start with…
to Peter Carmody

Peter passed his Matrix Karate Black Belt test.

The test was done on video,
and Peter went through having to repeat the test,
doing all the corrections,
and making all the matrix karate material work.

And he made it look good!

Video testing is interesting.
You could probably film yourself on an iPhone,
don’t wear black against a black wall,
white against white,
and so on.

Have some sunlight,
or a few bulbs glowing.

You don’t need lots of space
as long as I can see your whole body.

Have a partner.

Be willing to fail once or twice,
at least.

And here’s the thing,
Matrix Karate is pretty darn unique.
You see,
most karate systems were developed for specific reasons,
the element of being grabbed,
having to deal with weapons,

Not saying you won’t encounter these things today,
you need some awareness of these things,
but the real factor is that we are a fist culture.
If you are in a fight
the usual weapons will be fists.
Then something that can be used as a cub,
then a knife,

But fists are the base of it all.
if you can handle a fist,
it is just a short step to a knife,
if you have enough brains to adapt.

Matrix Karate is designed around the structure of the body,
it is a complete art,
taking into account all angles of attack and defense.
But it is SIMPLE!
Because the posing and the unnecessary techniques
have all been weeded out.

You have to learn about mistakes,
but the essence is in the logic
where one move leads to the next,
with no circus moves.

It’s funny,
I remember one of the first wins
I ever received,
this was about ten years ago.
The guy wrote that he had gone to a martial arts school,
and the first technique they taught him
was a cartwheel into a jump kick.
Not how to block and punch.
Not even the basic kicks,
but a jumping kick off a whole body contortion.

Can you see why matrixing was so desperately needed?
A little common sense?
And every system,
no matter how classical or developed,
benefits from the direct infusion of logic that matrixing provides.

well done to Peter,
and I recommend Matrix Karate and the Master Instructor Course
(you need both of them to test).
Whether you are accomplished and have a black belt,
whether you are a raw beginner,
whether you are just in the middle and need to get going,
Matrix Karate is the easiest,
the best,
the most efficient and completely rounded karate
on the planet.

Here’s a link to how to video test…

Have a great work out!


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Learning the Martial Arts MUCH Faster!

Newsletter 809

The What and How of Matrixing Martial Arts

Good Lard…it’s summer!
And absolutely perfect for learning another art.
So which art do you want to learn this summer?
A hard art to go with the soft?
Soft to go with the hard?
Tai Chi?
I mean,
why not?
what else do you have to do?
And there is nothing else that is better for you.

how study martial arts with matrixingOkay,
every once in a while I like to go over what Matrixing is,
and suggested methods of study.

Matrixing is a system of logic.
It is based upon analyzing potential motion.
It is applicable to any art,
and to any system.

But here’s the thing…
the martial arts are put togethers.
As such they are conglomerations
of what worked for individuals.
But these are all based on what an individual prefers,
or works for his body,
or the culture he has grown up in,
and so on.

The result has been a lot of mystery,
which is hidden by calling it mysticism.

So if you apply matrixing to your martial art,
it becomes logical,
and thus easier to learn,
and there won’t be hidden spots.
No more mysticism.
Just hard core science.

That is matrixing in a nutshell.
You can find out a lot more about it
by subscribing to the newsletter,
and just thinking about how
it can be applied to your art.

recommended ways of studying matrixing.

Each course looks at the martial arts from a specific viewpoint,
from a specific art or concept.
If you have a specific weakness in your system,
say…no weapons,
or too hard,
or something like that,
you can just study the art that will take care of that weakness.
the logic on the art you study
will start to seep into the rest of your arts.

the best way to study is probably to just follow
the arts as they are listed on the site

For instance:
Matrix Karate analyzes the hard arts and classical blocks.
Matrix Kung Fu analyzes locks and throws
Matrix Aikido analyzes learning by concept.
The Master Instructor Course analyzes the body
Shaolin Butterfly analyzes footwork
Butterfly Pa Kua Chang analyzes the transition from soft to hard
Five Army Tai Chi Chuan analyzes soft takedowns
And so on.

But each art can be taken apart by a sequence of matrixing courses.

If somebody wanted to learn karate,
for instance,
and from the ground up,
I would recommend the following courses:
Outlaw Karate (inspiration)
Buddha Crane Karate (modular studies)
Matrix Karate Making the art pure)
Temple Karate (what old forms actually mean)
and so on.

So there are many ways to study matrixing.
But the fun of it all is this:
you learn multiple arts…fast.
Which is why I said,
at the beginning of this newsletter,
what do you want to learn this summer?
you could learn three or four whole martial arts
all within a year.
That would be a high state of mastery.

Here’s the Matrix Karate page,
because that is the one that started it all,
that is the one with some pretty crucial matrixing data on it.

Have a great summer,
with 100 work outs in a row,
and let me know how it goes with learning the art of your choice.

Have a great work out!


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Magician Martial Arts…Now You See Him, Now You Don’t…

Newsletter 796
Moving Your Body Faster than the Eye Can See

Good morning!
It’s a balmy day out here in LA,
absolutely perfect for working out.
You just let the wind push you into the next move.

here’s something interesting,
did you know that people don’t know how to use their bodies?
They do sports,
various gimmicks,
and they catch the ball cool,
but they are using the body at about 1/100 of its potential.

interesting enough,
I am not talking about instances of high adrenaline
as being the optimum.

In fact,
you should be using less energy
to create more effect.

Here’s the neutronic low down,very simple,
on this phenomenon.

If you study math,
the very first thing you learn to do is measure the universe.
After a couple of years of working with this fact,
which is used because it is undeniable,
you can’t argue with a ruler,
you learn to think in abstracts.
You learn to follow formula,
and you leave the necessity for measuring.

two specific stages,
measure the universe,
follow formula.
The devising of new formula is considered the higher,
most creative mathematics.
That is what every professor shoots for.

understanding this,
let’s discuss how it parallels the martial arts.

The beginner is taught to measure himself.
How fast he can run from point A to point B,
how much he can lift,
and so on.
This is the first stage,
the measurement stage,
the stage where you measure yourself in universal terms.

But you are not the universe,
you are awareness,
and to realize your true potential you have to find
the abstracts of motion.

Here is a very simple example of an abstract of motion.

The magician holds up the deck of cards,
you choose a card,
insert it back into the deck,
and the magician,
even though he doesn’t know what card it is,
pulls it out.
As Po would say.

But the magician has only used sleight of hand.
He has trained his hands to make a motion
that escapes the eye.
He doesn’t measure himself,
he grades himself according to how many people he can fool.

Can Joe Blow do this mystical faster than the eye can see motion?
With practice.
But here’s the point:
What if you trained your whole body to move
faster than the eye can see.
There are ways,
you know.
Here’s one.
Practice walking the circle out of Pa Kua for a few years,
until you feel the ‘lightening’ in your legs.
When somebody punches,
you move your hand in one direction,
and step down and under in the other direction.
It will be as if you disappeared.

I first heard of this disappearing act
when my instructor was being checked out by a high ranking Korean stylist.
The Korean did a series of stretches,
noting that Bob was just standing and sipping a drink,
asked when Bob would be ready (for a proposed freestyle match).
Bob put his drink down and faced the Korean.
“I’m ready.”
The Korean jumped into the air with a perfect spinning kick.
When he came down Bob was nowhere to be seen.
In fact,
when the Korean turned his back Bob just walked behind him,
in conjunction with the spin.
The Korean was shocked to find Bob behind him.

I was not as fast as Bob,
I have a bigger body,
but I found that by moving my hand in one direction,
and my body in the other,
just as I described earlier,
that people would follow my hand and lose sight of me.

This is simple stuff,
but it takes immense practice.
And it takes a dedication to graduating from the simple measurement of self
into the abstract of measuring the other person.

It takes concentration,
focus of mind.

in my case,
in addition to all the karate I did,
it took decades of Tai Chi and Pa Kua
to understand the enrages involved.

with matrixing,
it doesn’t take that long.
It takes intense effort,
but if you understand what you are trying to do
before you do it,
then you can cut the time down by MUCH.

Mind you,
the path is different for everybody,
because everybody is different,
bodies are different,
and the mind and spirit is definitely different.
if you understand what I have said here,
and are willing to dedicate yourself to the work,
then you can go beyond the measurement of the universe.
You can go into these things that,
before matrixing,
were considered mystical
and reserved for special people.

There is no reason why,
with understanding the matrixing concepts,
and a little hard work,
you can’t be special.
There is no reason why you can’t use your body
to its full 100% potential.

Here’s the Pa Kua page for any who wish
to choose that as a part of their journey.

Have a great work out!

Posted in freestyle, karate, martial art, shaolin | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Should You or Should You Not Do Kick Boxing

Is Kick Boxing a Good Sport?

The exact history of Kick Boxing is pretty easily explained.

Boxing was the sport of gentlemen for hundreds of years, backed up by Marquis of Queensberry rules, and promoted to popular acclaim and lots of tickets sold. After all, this was the manly test, the proof of the pudding, and election of the true top dog.

kick boxing training methodsbruce lee bookIn the 1960 Karate hit the shores s of the US. It took the country by storm. Dojos popped up by the score, tournaments rippled across the country, and a new sport of gentlemen threatened to take over.

Except that boxing wouldn’t go away.

And, upon examination, there appeared to be good points to both practices.

Boxing had quicker trained methods, was better for immediate self defense, improved the body in a more aerobic fashion, and so on.

Karate, however, had those durned kicks.

Kicks used to be considered ‘dirty fighting.’ But now they were in vogue. And they were MUCH better for street self defense because one well placed kick to the family jewels and a thug was bankrupt.

So, how about if we put karate kicks with boxing punches?

And Kickboxing was born.

It became popular first in tournaments, then became a popular form of defense and conditioning in the gyms of America.

Now, there are a couple of problems with Kick Boxing.

The punches are thrown in a circular fashion off the shoulders, kicks use a more linear type of movement. This is actually an awkward combination, and the result is that the kicks of karate have degraded. People now throw kicks and let the body swing around (exposing the back). Further, when throwing the kicks the energy comes from the Tan Tien, which is an energy center located in the body some two inches below the navel. Boxing does not use this energy center.

So there are differences.

So what is the solution?

Study both. Study a good form of boxing for six months. Get your cardio, pump up the muscles, learn what it feels like to be in a fight (subject to the rules of the ring and your particular kick boxing club). Then explore the classical martial arts. Look for a better relationship between punches and kicks, explore the energy centers used in the practice of Karate.

Al Case began studying martial arts in 1967. His website is You can learn more about theories such as the one expressed here in his book ‘How to Matrix Kick Boxing.’

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Bruce Lee Would turn Over in his Grave

…if he wasn’t laughing outright!

The one thing that gets me concerning the Martial Arts, and it shouldn’t, but it does, are ads like the one right below.

I Couldn’t Believe I Froze Up … What’s Really Ridiculous Is That I’ve Been Trained In 13 Martial Arts Since I Was Only Four Years Old, So I, Of All People Should Have Been Able To Do Something, But I Couldn’t – I Didn’t Know What To Do In This Exact Situation, Even Though I Practiced Many Similar Situations. This Was A False Sense Of Security.

hey_skinny_admaster karate martial arts bookThis ad is off the internet, it’s part of a big pitch designed to empower people with ‘invisible force fields’ that enable them to handle multiple attackers with their bare hands, to tear apart whole mobs, and without any martial arts training.

Or, as in the case above, the guy had studied lots of fighting disciplines, but they didn’t work.

Okay, so let’s look at the real facts here.

Fact Number One: I doubt if the guy studied Karate, or Kenpo, or Aikido, or even a smidgeon of Shaolin. But if he did, he better ask for his money back because…They weren’t the real thing, they weren’t real fighting disciplines.

Fact Number Two: In spite of the hype of ads like this, ads which actually degrade the real martial arts in favor of making money for some bum who studied no martial arts, or martial arts that weren’t real, there is no substitute for learning a real martial art.

A fake, comic book, internet scam martial art is a handful of tricks that look neat, but have little relation to each other.

A real self defense method is a LOT of tricks, tied together with effective theory so that everything relates, and which then can work on you to change your mindset and make you a better human being.

Consider this: a real art, like Karate or Gung Fu or Krav Maga develops intuition. It develops a sixth sense. Let me tell you this: if I was that guy I wouldn’t have awakened when the bad guys so much as stepped on my property. The hairs would have stood on my neck, I would have been wired, I would have been more alert than Defcon Five! Because THAT is what a real fighting discipline does to you. It wakes you up, it makes you intuitive, it gives you that sixth sense. 

Consider this: when you study a real discipline, like Jujitsu or Wing Chun or good, old Karate, when somebody holds a gun on you…you instantly wake up! You are more alert than you have ever been, and you can’t stop the scenarios from enfolding in your mind. I can do this, I can do that, and you sort through them and wait, because you know, when the time comes, that you won’t be thinking, you will be doing.

Concerning the above two considerations, the above two chapters, I speak from personal experience. This is not a hype, or a war story, or some whimsical comic book supposition.

So the conclusion is this: if you don’t know a real form of self defense, a classical method that’s been formed through the centuries, then you are a sitting duck. You have no discipline for emergencies, you have no plan, and you likely don’t even have the conditioning.

Yes, sometimes a form of self defense like Karate or Kung Fu might have some mistakes in it, maybe defenses against weapons that are no more, maybe a poser technique, but even these problems tend to make you think, condition your body, give you alternatives in the extreme. Everything is an education, and it really all depends on what you do with it, whether you make it real enough to save your life.

And, here is the truth: don’t bother with the hype, don’t bother with comic book ads. Only seek out real martial arts, real forms of self defense. Learn them fast, and learn more than one, because what one doesn’t teach another one will.

To do less is to stand on the street in the middle of the mob holding hundred dollar bills and scream ‘Don’t take my money!’

You’ll end up in the gutter faster than fast, and it’s your own fault for not being prepared, for not getting in shape, for not giving yourself a real Martial Arts education when you could have.

About the Author: Al Case has studied Martial Arts since 1967. He is the originator of Matrixing Technology, which is the only science of the martial arts in the world. People who learn Matrixing can absorb classical martial arts three times faster, and make them work three times better.

If you want to learn a real method of Self Defense, the best place to start is Matrix Karate

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New Training Manual on Bruce Lee and Jeet Kune Do

Jeet Kune Do Training Manual!

The name of the book is ‘Bruce Lee, Jeet Kune Do, and Neutronics.’

Written by Al Case, a martial artist with near fifty years experience in the martial arts, this book takes an outside viewpoint of Bruce Lee, and his martial art (Jeet Kune Do).

bruceleeBruce Lee is often considered, specifically as to what drove him to his martial arts theories. The main focus of the book, however, is to compare and contrast Jeet Kune Do to the more classical martial arts, specifically, the author’s art of Karate.

This is a hard core book. While it is respectful, it is obvious that the author holds Mr. Lee in high esteem, there are some very hard questions asked concerning the formation of JKD, and the real purpose of the art.

It is also an intelligent book, going into Matrixing Technology, which is the first and only science of the martial arts, and Neutronic philosophy. The author claims that because JKD is an advanced martial art only advanced methods of thought can be used to analyze it.

Which is to say that if you are Beeavis or Butthead, you may want to avoid this tome. It won’t teach you Jeet Kune Do, and it may hurt your head to actually start thinking about it.

Mr. Case has, as said, near 50 years martial arts experience. He began Kenpo Karate in 1967, quickly became an instructor, and went on to study virtually every martial art that came down the pike during the Golden Age of Martial Arts. He became a writer for the magazines in 1981, and had his own column in Inside Karate. Thus, Mr. Case doesn’t enter the picture as a newbie, but an experienced fighter and writer. His compare and contrast with JKD should provide the most enlightened student with much thought.

Bruce Lee, Jeet Kune Do, and Neutronics, will be released and on Amazon within the week, and students interested in the paperback version should do a search on Amazon probably by the last week of April 2015.

Students who would like to save $5 and purchase the instant download of the book should go to

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The Difference Between Bruce Lee and You

Finding the Truth of Bruce Lee…and Yourself

Posted at Sign up for newsletter there.

so what is the difference between Bruce Lee and yourself?
Let me list some things,
and we will see how you fare.
this is to be used only to point you in directions,
to make you think about your work outs,
and what you want to do in the martial arts.
Other than that,
comparisons between people are sort of silly.
We are each unique,
you know?

kenpo instruction manual black beltSo,
The Little Dragon studied a classical martial art.
Wing Chun.
Have you studied a classical martial art?
Bruce Lee wasn’t satisfied with that martial art.
Are you satisfied with your martial art?
Bruce found it not as workable as he wished,
found it lacking in conditioning,
and many other things.
Have you isolated your exact dissatisfaction
with your martial art?
Is it conditioning?
Is it too much freestyle, or forms, or…?
You need to know this so you can decide
what you want to do about it.

Bruce researched some 26 different martial arts.
How many martial arts have you researched?
Not just read an article about,
but delved into and found books and videos
and even talked to people from those arts?

Bruce Lee made connections between various Martial Arts.
He was mixing and matching between not just techniques,
but training methods,
and in this way he came up with his own training methods.
Have you gone through a variety of martial arts?
Looked for training methods that you can import
into your own martial art?

The Little Dragon was not politically correct.
He talked the talk,
and he was willing to put it on the line.
he only had a couple of fights,
but he was willing to mix it up
with any fellow who came into his studio
and had a serious question.
he was willing to learn from what he observed,
and even to the point of fixing his own system.
This is an important point:
are you willing to let yourself be proved wrong?
And then learn from it?

The Dragon read voraciously
and his library of philosophical volumes
was supposed to number up to 5,000 books.
And he had read,
and could even quote
from those books.
How many books have you read?

Mr. Lee did what he wanted.
He started and stopped teaching,
had schools,
went to Hollywood,
went around the world,
talked to whoever he wanted.

He was,
in a word,
He was dedicated to finding the truth of his art,
and the truth of himself.
He succeeded by incredible willpower.
Are you wiling to make that commitment.

Interesting questions, eh?
And I’ve just touched the surface.

The thing to understand here
is that Bruce wanted matrixing.
everybody wants matrixing.
Everybody wants a logic
that will make sense of their lives.
Everybody wants a method
by which they can understand the world.

Look at the ways he was organizing the martial arts.
He would list all the potentials of timing.
He lacked a matrix,
and there are doubtless still holes,
but this can be credited to the fact
that he was slanting himself
towards a certain combat efficiency.

He tried to list all the potentials for ways of attacking,
he developed new ways of training chi sao (sticky hands),
and on and on and on.

And all because he was dedicated,
and dedicated to learning everything he could
about all martial arts.
He just lacked matrixing
to make sure he got it all,
and to make sure the organization was correct.

Here’s an interesting concept,
when I matrixed time on the Matrix Kung Fu course,
I left out split timing
because it was too obvious.
Yet Bruce’s understanding of timing
doesn’t include what is on my matrix
on that course.

I tell you,
I really enjoy going over what Bruce did,
and comparing it to what I did.
Lot of food for thought there.

think about the questions I’ve posed here,
and consider whether you have sufficiently
compared and contrasted
enough martial arts,
and more important,
whether you have a method
by which you can make sure your art is logical,
and fits together as a whole.

Here’s the link to Matrix Kung Fu.

It has a matrix for timing
that will totally educate you
as to what timing is,
and how to use it.
The funny thing is,
accept for the fact it is about timing,
it addresses an entirely different subject,
but without that subject
you can’t really understand what timing is.
But that’s what matrixing does,
it makes the connections you never would have seen.

Have a great work out!

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